A new publishing paradigm
for the internet

A digitally signed chain-of-custody shows where content came from,
where it was posted, republished, and by whom.

Tru is a totally new kind of internet experience

For Individuals & Groups

Control your time and attention without manipulation or distraction

For Organizations & Movements

Connect directly with your members and customers

For Society

Provides a basis for verifiable information without censorship

Social media
without the social dilemma

Tru provides meaningful content  
without an algorithm

It creates an entirely new model where real social groups subscribe to other groups, which select the best posts to republish for subscribers who get filtered content.

Identity, Privacy, Reputation, Provenance, Validation

Tru combines these principles in the TruLine™, a digitally signed chain-of-custody that shows where content came from, where it was posted and republished, and by whom.

Digitally signed reputation separates credible sources from trolls, bad-actors, and confused individuals promoting misinformation, propaganda and lies.

Tru Features

Public feed

combines published content

Private forum

for members in each hub

Curators control

social forums & publishing

Verified content

when posted & published


by each hub builds reputation

Republish content

across hub subscription networks

Building a TRU network effect

Networking networks. Tru connects publishing organizations or individuals into publishing hubs that curate meaningful and verifiable content distribution.

You’ve got true privacy
A hub is a safe private space for real social connection without targeted ads, bots, trolls, manipulation or censorship.

Safe, clean platform

Tru offers a safe, clean, civil alternative to Instagram and Twitter, and a viable place to move your Facebook group, Google group, or blog.

You are NOT "the product"
Tru is based on "clean data". You control your personal data, which is not for sale.

Filter Out Fake News

Tru provides a functional way to use reputation to filter disinformation, propaganda and lies.

Stop bad actors in their tracks
You can trace any post back to its source to determine its credibility with the TruLine™.