Each account on Tru and builds a reputation based on what they choose to post and repost on Hubs where they are a member.
Each person builds a personal reputation based on how they behave as a member in forums.
People who have been asked to leave by multiple Hubs develop a reputation and other Hubs may not allow them to join.
Content and sources can be checked and either verified and corroborated, or disputed and invalidated, by other Hubs, including those curated by other 3rd party verifiers.
People who post or repost a lot of content that is discredited by highly respected Hubs develop a reputation for bad judgement, or worse.
Building a TRU network effect
Networking networks. Tru connects publishing organizations or individuals into publishing hubs that curate meaningful and verifiable content distribution.
You’ve got true privacy
A hub is a safe private space for real social connection without targeted ads, bots, trolls, manipulation or censorship.
Safe, clean platform
Tru offers a safe, clean, civil alternative to Instagram and Twitter, and a viable place to move your Facebook group, Google group, or blog.
You are NOT "the product"
Tru is based on "clean data". You control your personal data, which is not for sale.
Filter Out Fake News
Tru provides a functional way to use reputation to filter disinformation, propaganda and lies.
Stop bad actors in their tracks
You can trace any post back to its source to determine its credibility with the TruLine™.